
All servers must meet the following requirements before they will be accepted to serve in our apostolate in the Archdiocese of Edmonton.


– Servers or Servers’ families must be registered members/regular attendees of our chaplaincy.

– Servers must actively practice the Catholic faith and should regularly receive Holy Communion.

– Servers must be 7 years of age and above.

– Servers who are 18 yrs or above must have submitted a clear Child Intervention Record Check, and have attended the Called to Protect training workshop offered by the Archdiocese.

– Servers should try to participate in our regular server’s practices and gatherings.

– Servers must arrive on time when they are on duty.

– Servers must be willing to memorize the responses in Latin.


A new server must be willing to become very familiar with the Mass. They must understand why the Mass is important, and what happens during Mass. Before they serve for the first time, a server will be required to demonstrate that they know the Order of Mass, the prayers of the Mass, and the postures and responses during Mass. All of this will be taught during the new server training period. Altar servers must also demonstrate the ability to make use of the “tools of the trade,” such as matches, candles, candle lighters, books, and setting up vestments. All of these will be taught in the training period.


When you are serving, you must look your best!

– Black dress shoes, black socks and white shirt are worn while serving at the altar.

– Servers should present themselves for serving with their hair combed.

– Servers should cut their finger nails regularly.


– It is a privilege to serve at the altar.
– Be prayerfully alert and attentive.
– Be punctual.
– At Sung Mass follow the signals of the MC.


– You are expected to arrive at the Mass to be served at least twenty minutes before the starting time to prepare for the Celebration of the Most Holy Sacrifice.

– You must serve at every Mass for which you are scheduled. The liturgy suffers when there are too few or even no servers. If you cannot serve at a Mass for which you are scheduled (except for sudden illness or family emergencies), call another server to request a substitute, or let the priest know before.


– You must arrive on time and double check the items that you use are in place at the spots.  

– You must not leave the sanctuary after the start of the Mass for any reason except bathroom emergencies, illness, or when directed to do so by the priest. There are no other exceptions.

– You must perform the duties assigned during the Mass in the prescribed orderly manner. Never trade positions with other servers without the permission of the priest.

– You are to maintain a prayerful posture during at all times in the Sacristy. 

– After the Mass, help to put away the items back to the original spots. Clean the spots (the wax on the altar or candlesticks) if necessary. 

– Keep your cassock and surplice on until your jobs have been done. 


– Each server will be given a server manual when one has become an altar server.  This manual will clarify their roles and responsibilities for serving at the Altar of our Lord.